can the boom in house prices continue 意味

  • 住宅価格の高騰ははたして続くだろうか


        house prices:    住宅価格{じゅうたく かかく}
        boom in house construction:    新築ラッシュ
        can house:    売春宿{ばいしゅんやど}
        can't afford to continue studying:    勉強{べんきょう}を続ける余裕{よゆう}がない
        use the boom as an excuse to raise prices:    ブームを値上げの口実{こうじつ}として利用{りよう}する
        deal with the current situation where prices continue to fall:    物価{ぶっか}が下がり続ける現状{げんじょう}に対処{たいしょ}する
        products that can be sold at special prices:    特価{とっか}で売る商品{しょうひん}[製品{せいひん}]
        in the hope one can continue to stay in touch with:    (人)と互いに連絡{れんらく}を絶やさずにいられるように
        can't afford one's prescription drugs at u.s. prices:    処方薬{しょほうやく}をアメリカ国内{こくない}での価格{かかく}で購入{こうにゅう}[入手{にゅうしゅ}]する余裕{よゆう}がない
        boom:     1boom n. にわか景気, ブーム; 急激な増加; ブーンと鳴る音; とどろき. 【動詞+】 Plunging interest rates brought a boom. 急落する利率がにわか景気をもたらした The Occupation created an economic boom. 占領軍(の政策)がにわか景気を生じさせた Informati
        it boom:    IT(関連{かんれん}の)ブーム、IT 需要{じゅよう}の急成長{ちょう}、IT 好調{こうちょう}
        with the boom in:    ~が盛況{せいきょう}で
        realize a society where people can continue learning throughout their entire lives:    人々{ひとびと}が生涯{しょうがい}を通して学習{がくしゅう}を継続{けいぞく}できる社会{しゃかい}を実現{じつげん}する
        continue:     continue v. 続く, 続ける. 【副詞1】 It continued an hour. 1 時間続いた We will continue our strike indefinitely. われわれはストライキを無期限に続行するつもりだ Research into these materials has continued intermittent
        continue in:    《コ》~に引き継がれる


  1. "can tell one from the other" 意味
  2. "can tell the difference" 意味
  3. "can tell the difference between" 意味
  4. "can thank oneself for" 意味
  5. "can the boom continue at its present rate" 意味
  6. "can the floor take the weight of all these books" 意味
  7. "can the peace conference break down the wall of hostility between the two ethnic groups" 意味
  8. "can the specifications for this machine be drawn up by next week" 意味
  9. "can the transition of power be achieved peacefully" 意味
  10. "can thank oneself for" 意味
  11. "can the boom continue at its present rate" 意味
  12. "can the floor take the weight of all these books" 意味
  13. "can the peace conference break down the wall of hostility between the two ethnic groups" 意味

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